Collaboration across sectors is crucial in the fight against climate change. Indeed, active partnerships between governments, the private sector, multilateral institutions and civic society will be essential to ensure we meet the challenging Paris Climate Agreement targets. The ability of civic society including volunteers and community groups to engage with individuals and local businesses will be particularly important as we move from policy to implementation.
Outside of adaptation and mitigation, strong partnerships can unlock the potential of climate-friendly technology. These require the willingness of organisations to work openly with competitors and others to build market demand and address issues that are either non-competitive or are simply too large for one organisation or sector to address on its own.
How Peru’s reconstruction will create a legacy of collaboration
David Radford-Wilson, Deputy Director of the UK Delivery team in Peru explores the role of collaboration in the reconstruction project; from its essential role in project delivery, to effective contract management and enabling legacy.
"The work we’re doing here is ultimately going to reduce the need for us to work with the Peruvian government in the future. We are rebuilding their own ability to deliver projects."
The unseen social value of a £3bn reconstruction programme
Leading the Gleeds team in Peru, Mike Penny is co-ordinating delivery of our work for the Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC) programme. In this video, Mike addresses important questions on social value measurement in major infrastructure programmes; and what it means for the people affected and for climate mitigation.
"A great deal of the impact of 2017’s El Niño event resulted from too many developments having taken place too close to the edge of dry riverbeds. This is exactly what our programme is trying to address, to futureproof the country."

Thank you to the ARCC for permission to use their photos and video.
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